Assignment 1 Game Ideas

1) On the surface, the game appears to be about taking the role of a sentient test android (A-012) as it is hacked by an external source and forced to escape it’s training facility.  The player would make choices to nullify the hacker’s commands and stay within the safety of the facility.

The core idea is to leave the player questioning the ethics of controlling this android machine which has some sentient thought.  The main tool for doing this is by deceiving the player, by use of 3rd person narration, into believing they are playing as the android, when in fact, they are playing as an engineer employed by the android’s maker to control the android.  A possible expansion of this idea is an initial (disguised) choice that determines if you play as the hacker or the engineer where in both situations, the android attempts to communicate its wish to escape both entities.

A-012 moved sluggishly as it carried the blocks from point A to point B.  This was a routine exercise, done daily for the past six months, and to be honest, it was tedious and boring.  A-012’s expression reflected it’s boredom.  The test was supposed to show that A-012 could learn to associate the colors on the blocks with the circles at point B.  A-012 moved in jerking motions as it picked up the last block.

2) The story of a cell phone’s eventual disuse and replacement told backwards.  Rather than choosing your next action, you choose how you got to your current predicament.  Through the cell-phone’s life, it passes between a couple users with different usage styles.

It’s official, I’m done.  Four days ago he went off and bought another cell phone, one of those fancy new ones with their big screens and fancy features.  I haven’t had a good charge since a week ago and I’m just barely holding on.  I can’t even make phone calls anymore.

Choice: a) Interrupt the game to prompt low battery or b) the game looks like it’ll be done in a minute or two, hold off until then to prompt low battery.

The Garden of Forking Paths & Computer Lib / Dream Machines

Jorge Luis Borges’ The Garden of Forking Paths

What stuck out to me about this reading was the juxtaposition of choice and inevitability.  Tsui Pen’s Garden of Forking Paths, describes a labyrinth of infinite choices and the simultaneous outcomes of all of these choices in our lives.  Despite the multitude of choice and the infinite number of outcomes this presents, I found it interesting that this story seems to focus on inevitability over choice.  Yu Tsun seems to consider his impending death as inevitable despite all the choices he makes through the story (such as choosing to go to Ashgrove and choosing to go to Albert.)  When riding the train to Ashgrove, he states that those lacking willpower, “should impose upon himself a future as irrevocable as the past,” which seems to imply that he had given up choice from that point on.  The fact that he saw glimpses of other parallel worlds could also imply that it was inevitable that he would meet Albert Stephen, and that this moment was a moment of convergence with one outcome, that he would kill Albert.


Ted Nelson’s Computer Lib/ Dream Machines

This piece really puts into perspective how far personal computers have come with a large number of his suggestions already implemented.  (Such as version control and some of the educational applications like the digital dissections.)  His thoughts on user-interface design using fanatics can also be clearly seen in today’s technology.  I especially enjoyed his educational hyper-media format which seems to simulate a one-on-one tutor that can be memorable and personal despite being a computer.  The idea of Stretchtext, a hypertext in which narratives can be told in finer or coarser detail with the turn of knob, is also intriguing and is somewhat similar to what simple Wikipedia is attempting.

Jennifer Lee

I am terrible at pictures.

Hi, I’m a Junior CS major and hopefully a Game Design minor.

I have programmed games in Java and C# with XNA and have done some poking around with Unity and flixel.  Graphically, I have average-level photoshop skills.