Inequality of Cubes


All cubes are equal, but some are more equal than others.

The game is an abstract representation of social and economic inequality by means of a 3D platformer. The key analogy being that “moving up in the world” literally corresponds to moving up–in the vertical axis (up in Unity).

You play a cube that has the ability to jump higher than other cubes, starts higher than other cubes. If you fall, you have safety nets to catch you. There are obstacles, but for you all of them are offset by what you start the game with — the ability to jump higher, and safety nets to catch you. In this sense it’s kind of a notgame — the point is to watch all the other cubes without your resources have trouble climbing the same ladder.

Extensions to the concept might e.g. include walls that only let one color pass through (for you, they are no barrier — they might form a labyrinth, but you don’t collide and pass right through them, while others are forced to navigate it.