1. The writing could use some work; I found the most compelling/attention grabbing part was toward the end of one storyline, where the narrator introduces them self into the story very abruptly. It added dimension and surprise (“oh man, you mean Ted’s not the main character!”). The end of this story (questioning what makes an existence) is strong, but I wish the rest of it was on the same level.

  2. Your scenario was interesting from the beginning and your choices seemed to have clear consequences, unlike some of the other posted games. I think the writing was a bit wordy and could have been pared down to basic descriptions and thoughts in order to create a more streamlined experience. The grey/blue color scheme didn’t give me a sense of urgency – maybe a darker color would have been better?

  3. Something about this made me feel really compelled to somehow save the robot. Which made it sadder every time I failed. Good job, though. Is it actually possible to save Ted?

    1. Since everyone who was going to play it has played it by now, I guess I can reveal that it is not possible to save Ted. There are 4 endings and they each highlight a different way Ted essentially died the second he got hacked.

  4. Really wanted ted to escape, I agree with Katie, is escape possible?

  5. I really liked the consequences. I feel like the story was a bit wordy but I really did find comfort in the story itself.

  6. You did a good job of making the reader feel connected to Ted; I wanted him to escape! I agree that a different color scheme may have been better – the grey seemed strangely light and there wasn’t enough contrast with the story text. I also had a hard time visualizing where exactly Ted was in the vent and how I could get him to escape; I sort of got lost in the choices.

    Since you are essentially viewing the thoughts of a robot, I wish the writing was more concise and sharp to fit that feel.

  7. I think one way to improve this game would be to reflect Ted’s robot nature more in the wording of the choices, since it is implicit that Ted is making them. I actually like the endings though, and don’t think any overtly happy ending would add all that much.

  8. I liked the concept… but yeah WE WANT TO SAVE TED! ∑:O

  9. I think you did a good job with making the end goal very desirable. I wanted to stick it to the guys in conference room by busting out. I did get a little confused between the voices of the employees and the hacker, since both were blue. Maybe making them a different color would help? Or maybe I just can’t read. Either or.

  10. I really liked the visuals, I wish there were more :/
    The color palette you chose is nice

    I was worried at first that this would be a re-write of wall-e but the story began to stand out as i kept reading. I did find it confusing at the end that you changed the person of the writing (from third to first).

  11. Not much to add. Nice twist with the narrator.

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