1. Playing this was very peaceful, and I wished it could have continued for many pages.

    You may not have been going for this, but a more consistent tone could have created a more introspective, cosmic mood (‘guitar riffs’ for example doesn’t fit as well).

  2. Very relaxing and peaceful to go through! I especially liked the amount of pages with only one option, made my decision making much easier!

  3. When I first read your idea I wasn’t sure about how the story would be presented through an asteroid, and I really like that you gave it a personality. The asteroid is so upbeat and excited about moving! The personalities you gave to the other planets and star were pretty excellent as well. My favorite part was the planet you are forced to crash into saying “thanks bro”.

  4. At first I was worried about how this idea would pan out, but I think you did a great job executing it. The Astreroid has a distinct personality. I enjoyed the serene and peaceful parts of the game, as well as the transitions to more ‘action-y’ parts (like the humans landing on him) – they were well done and kept my interest piqued as I read.

  5. I agree that the story is pretty relaxing but it also seems to be lacking in areas.

  6. Got “the only ending that doesn’t die” on the first try. Awwwwww yeah.

    But seriously, very amusing and well-thought out game. I like the “dreaminess” of the diction; it really makes it seem like the asteroid is experiencing a stream of consciousness. I also wish this could go on longer.

  7. At first I was like I AM THE CHOSEN ASTEROID AND CAN MOVE and then there was the sun and I was like aww man.

  8. I don’t why the protagonist starts all whimsy and ends up talking like a high school kid.

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