Visual Story

Idea 1

turns out clinton is a nymphomaniac. He’s on trial for his impeachment and the focus is strictly on the sexual harassment suit. Play as clinton and convince congress that you did not have sexual relations with those women.

outcomes –
congress believes you and you finish your term
you have to resign


Idea 2

You are in a relationship with a girl who you want to break up with but you want her to say the words. You’re goal is to convince her to break up with you.

outcomes –
you can get her to break up with you
still stuck in the relationship

  1. I think Clinton has some potential to be funny, but may not be super relevant? I’m more interested in the 2nd one, it presents a pretty interesting challenge; maybe it could have more depth? consider more possible outcomes (ie, she finds out that you want to break up…)

  2. I think both of them are pretty doable but I feel as though you could have a bit more fun with the girlfriend one since it is not so specific. I feel you are possibly more limited with the Clinton one, but hey that might give you a good scope. I would go for the break up one though.

  3. I think that there’s definitely more potential for character development with your second idea. I think it’s interesting that you’d enter the game without knowing anything about your relationship other than wanting to end it, and having to gradually learn about your girlfriend and situation through dialogue.

    The Clinton idea seems funnier but also a lot more predictable than the girlfriend idea.

  4. The first idea seems like it wouldn’t produce many interesting decisions, as in order to win it seems like you would just have to lie accordingly. The second one is better because the path you must take isn’t as clear.

    I really like your visual style – it’s both an effective caricature and easy to draw, which is perfect for the visual novel format.

  5. I like the 2nd one just because it applies more personally to the player, where as clinton is a bit more of a detached topic. Plus the break up one leaves you the author room for hilarious reactions from the girlfriend.

  6. The second idea seems really interesting to me. I feel like you could expand the options a bit as well, for instance losing some of your own reputation if you just insult her until she walks away.

  7. I like the second idea more than the Clinton one. The girlfriend character right now is very unattractive, I am not sure if that is what you want. Is the only reason the player is breaking up with her because she is not very pretty? Perhaps the beginning of the game could be the player weighing in the positive and negative aspects of the relationship and from there the game will begin to set itself up. If the player finds the relationship is a good one then maybe they try their hardest to keep it going. If they find that the relationship is dwindling then your proposal of having her break up with the player could be followed. I think the character will need a bit of refinement depending on how you want the situation to play out. Good base idea!

  8. I like the second one, mainly because you can explore issues of insecurity while making it really funny. This kind of reminds me of something the character of Chandler Bing would do (from friends). As for Clinton, I think stuff link this has been done backwards and forwards and every which way.

  9. The first one sounds challenging to design, all the evidences and stuff. If you want to challenge yourself, go for the first one. The second one sounds more interesting to me, and seems to be easier to make. I think I’ve seen a video about this before, very funny.

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