Assignment 3: Lighthouse

A storm has caused a power outage, and the lighthouse has gone dark. Click on different things in the surrounding area to move, break, or fix them in order to light the beam and keep nearby ships safe.

Screenshot mockup: Obviously it’s missing, well, everything except the basic backdrop and lighthouse at this point, but here’s the base (click for full size):

and here’s an animation test, probably going to slow it down a fair amount though (blink/motion warning I guess?)

Senior CS major/art minor, games industry hopeful. Art program skills: Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint Tool SAI, Blender, Maya Game engine skills: Unity, various tile editors Programming skills: Java, C, C++, C# (soon), ActionScript with the Flixel game programming library
  1. I think this is a nice straight forward point and click that you could do a lot of fun things with. I also like the painterly quality you have with your images.

  2. I like the idea and the fact that it has a clear goal in mind. A suggestion for your animation, maybe another frame or two of rain and cycling through these frames rather than flashing a single frame.

  3. Seems very “Mist”esk to me, I don’t know if you were thinking about having people in the game but I’d keep it secluded. Looks cool!

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