Assignment 3 Idea – Jessica

Procrastination’s A Bitch


The scenario is that you’re trying to find something, anything to do to keep yourself from finishing your homework. Because everyone loves procrastinating.


So, you click around the various items on your desk and see what happens. However, I want each reaction to be very extreme/weird. Examples:

You click on the eraser to furiously erase whatever shitty work you’ve done so far. You start erasing so quickly that the friction causes a flame to spark and now your homework is on fire. You can click on your water glass to douse the flames, or keep them burning

You click on the window to distract yourself with the outside world and see someone getting abducted by an alien.

You click on your Toast plushie to find that it has come to life and starts shredding up your papers.

Basically, everything you do will result in a hot mess. Picking up the pencil to actually do work “ends” the game.

Hello! I'm currently a Junior CS Major hoping to minor in Game Development. My favorite games are Earthbound and Catherine.
  1. I think this would be a fun game since we can all relate to procrastination. I also like your idea of clicking one object will cause a commotion that other objects can help fix or make worse. Cool idea.

  2. I like the idea, but I would like it if I could react to some of the situations rather thanjust seeing what happens when I click on everything.

  3. I like this a lot. It kind of reminds me of this game: It might also be interesting to have some of the objects combine to create an action.

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