Due Thursday March 4
Create a geometric pattern with elements of randomness combining nested for loops, transformations, conditionals, and the random function.
This is an image-making assignment: don’t make it animated or interactive, a new pattern should be generated upon click.
Follow this tutorial for a template.
Look for inspirations for geometric patterns in art and design.
Check the 10print challenge prompting people to reimagine the famous one line program:
Another use of random: randomize 4 possible shapes (including no shape)
var grid = 40; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(0); for (var r = 1; r < width/grid; r++) { for (var c = 1; c < height/grid; c++) { var rnd = round(random(0, 3)); print("my random number is "+rnd); if(rnd == 0) { noStroke(); ellipse(c * grid, r * grid, 10, 10); } if(rnd == 1) { noStroke(); rect(c * grid, r * grid, 10, 10); } if(rnd == 2) { stroke(255); line(c * grid, r * grid, c * grid+grid, r * grid+grid); } } } }
Starting from this simple template add randomness to create images like the ones below. Also go through the loop+if exercises if they are not 100% clear.
var grid = 40; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); background(0); noStroke(); for (var r = 1; r < height/grid; r++) { for (var c = 1; c < width/grid; c++) { ellipse(c * grid, r * grid, 10, 10); } } }