Dave – Best Games Fest

Step Ball:

Step ball was pitched to us as a game that is like Ultimate Frisbee but is turn based. It was a lot of fun, despite being a game highly reminiscent of the disgustingness of gym in middle school. Its main tweak on the traditional team-based game is that each person is only allowed to take a single step before the ball is passed. The benefit is that people who are less athletic (aka me) is not too disadvantaged, because catching, throwing and blocking becomes less about timing and coordination. It is also a lot more about teams, because each person’s individual skills is not as important as the person’s positioning, and we have more time to calculate who is the optimal person to throw to instead of just passing the ball to the best player. However, the game does give advantage to people who are taller. In the end, it was fun and I got exercise, so not too much complaints here.


Mont Trottoir:

Turn based, partner based game, where teams race to climb a mountain using cards as buffs. It was very complicated; for most of the time I was very hazy on the rules, and if the coordinator was not there the whole time, I would have just ditched the game. It required a lot of physical precision and communication. By the end, after I finally got the hang of the game, it became fun. My favorite part of the game is that the course depends on the environment, so its replayability is extremely high. My least favorite part is that a turn can take a while, so the other teams just had to sit and wait in a style reminiscent of games like monopoly. This contrasts it with stepball, which is also turn based, but even if my team does not have the ball, I still felt involved and relevant.