New content will be added to this page throughout the semester.
Phase 0
Consider the results of the 20 ideas experiment what are the most popular idea? Why? Is there something actionable? Can you incorporate at least an element of one of the top rated ideas in the project proposal below?
Phase 1 – Monday 7
Post up to 3 proposals in the following format. You can already form groups:
Title or Working Title
Description: one paragraph elevator pitch, the description you’d put on a distribution channel, something that characterizes it as unique.
Art/Research statement: what are you trying to do with this project? What are the experimental elements? What’s the emotional response you are trying to solicit? What are you own parameters for success?
Present the Virtual installation art exercise in relation to the project. What are the concepts, visuals, narratives, techniques you are interested in?
References: 3 Game references that are direct inspirations or have something in particular to teach you.
AND 3 Non-Game References that are direct inspirations or have something in particular to teach you.