Character & Story Design Ideas

Idea 1: you’re talking to a face in the wall, it doesn’t know anything, but the more you talk to it, the more it grows and develops eyes, nose, mouth, limbs, etc until comes out of the wall.

Idea 2: you’ve recently graduated and are interviewing to get a job at a hot new company called #FORK.  Everything you say seems to be the wrong thing to say…


  1. I find that the second idea hits really close to home lately. Would that game have only the ending where you say all the wrong things and don’t get the job, or would it be possible to affect the outcome of the interview?

  2. The first idea could be neat if the player character had some need to talk to the wall. It will be hard to make a wall interesting but more fun to find out why you are talking to it.
    The second idea sounds like it would be easy to write if you’ve done any tech interviews and could really be funny and terrifying for the right audience.

  3. Liking the first idea. Does the character in the wall’s personality develop based on what you’re saying to it, or just its features?

  4. Idea 2 strikes me as very relatable. Like cshaffer, I’m wondering if the interview would only be able to go horribly (leaving you depressed) or if there’s a possibility to have a happy ending and get the job. What kind of personality would the interviewer have? I like the character you’ve designed, too.

  5. I’m partial to the first idea. I think it would be interesting if what the player says helps to develop what the face ends up looking like in the end. I don’t know how, but I think you should think of some way to relate certain choices to various facial features.

  6. idea1
    could be interesting game play but i don’t understand what the role of the player is and why he isn’t creeped out by the person jumping out of the wall. i think it would be an interesting turn of events if while the face in the wall is coming further out, you are actually going into the wall but don’t notice it until you are fully so

    for idea 2 again, i don’t understand what the role of the player would be. would his options all be wrong options? what is the player trying to achieve?

  7. I like both ideas especially the second one since you put the player in an awkward situation of never winning and it is very relatable.

    The first one I don’t really see the point since nothing you say really changes the outcome.

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