Stealing Forms or Shitty GTA

I like the idea of games with big expansive worlds, like GTA, but not enough to invest in the necessary equipment to play them myself. Youtube gameplay was not cutting it anymore, and I wanted to find a way to play my own version of GTA, but one where the objective is to steal pieces of GTA V rather than cars. My other motivation was the prompt to misplay a game, and I would argue that only ever watching other people play a game and then thinking you understand it is truly misplaying a game at a fundamental level. I turned to the wealth of video walk-throughs shot inside of GTA on youtube. I downloaded some of these videos, broke the scenes into frames, and ran those frames through a photogrammetry application, essentially Xeroxing the environment. This allowed me to extrude 3D models derived from the gameplay footage. The result were very fragmented and messy 3D models, and I used them to begin populating the environment of my new game: Shitty GTA.

youtube video still
point cloud

The object of shitty GTA is to move from point A to point B without falling through the shitty terrain.



stay tuned for the release of shitty GTA: the bootleg video game.