Screen Recorder: Record Screen for Free

Please select “Computer sounds and microphone” option which is able to records your voice and computer sounds in one channel. Convert the recorded video to any video formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV,ect. Aiseesoft Screen Recorder enables you to record video with full screen or customized screen size with high quality. Open the target app of which you want to record screen, then open Gamebar with Hotkeys “Win + G”. Likewise, Microsoft is also including an editing tool that will help you customize the quality and length of videos or GIFs. When your recording is done, Snagit compresses your video into MP4 format, so you have no issues sending videos to social networks, online storage service, etc.

Press the Print Screen key, which is usually labeled as PrtScn or PrtScrn. You should see it to the right of the F12 key on oficial site desktop keyboards. Here are instructions for taking a screenshot of part of your screen in Windows and on a Mac. On most Windows Keyboards, the Print Screen button is located at far right-corner of the keyboard and it is usually labeled as PrtScr, PrntScr or as PrntScrn.

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Check our full Screenshot Guide for ways to take screenshots on any other device—along with tips on taking great screenshots. To take a screenshot with high resolution, set your screen resolution as high as possible. Offered by, Lightshot is a screenshot app for PC that allows you to take quick snaps and edit them online or within the app. To capture a specific window or something like the Dock or menu bar, press Cmd+Shift+4 and then hit the space bar. The crosshair will turn into a little camera and highlight the window or objects you can capture. To capture something that normally disappears when you press the Alt key—like a drop-down menu—press Ctrl+PrtScn instead.

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Next, open the software, and select “Optimise just for recording, I will not be streaming” in the first pop-up window. Keep all the other settings default and follow the on-screen instructions. Alternatively, users can consider Microsoft Stream, a tool that also allows for screen recording on Windows 10. Similar to how you would have an Xbox or Microsoft Word app, this service is available as part of qualifying Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

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The screenshot is then stored in the clipboard, and you can paste the screenshot into another application. Pressing Win + Print Screen will capture the entire screen and save it to a file in the %userprofile%\Pictures\Screenshots folder. Alt + PrintScreen shortcut key will capture a screenshot of only the active window to the clipboard. Sometimes the image I want is larger than the image I can see even if I run full screen and full window size.