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Mindmap is a game of playing thoughts in a brain. At each turn, players move their pieces in the hope for collecting Ideas. Just like someone’s mind, the board is continually changed by the Thought’s actions. As players move over the board, they collect Moods tiles, acting as stats used to resolve mental distraction (standoffs) caused by too many thoughts in one place.

A video of a full playthrough is available at: https://youtu.be/J66cCBx7I9E . The video is slightly different from the rules in that the mood dial is randomly spun at each confrontation rather than being incrementing by one after each round, a change we found to increase strategy in moving and placing your pieces and removing randomness.

The full rules are available at https://docs.google.com/a/andrew.cmu.edu/document/d/1nwtaT1s_dI06V9UBQB2tmVqEYb8xJo62vM4Km-10uYY/edit?usp=sharing

Our changes over iterations included removing minigames and instead adding tactics to tile placement, changing the board tiles from rectangular to hexagonal and theming the game first as rescuing a “drunk” target piece from the board, to thinking up ideas for elon musk, to competing to collect a number of ideas on a board that fluidly changes over time.