7 Micro Games – Tatyana Mustakos

1. By Any Other Name Grab a bunch of paint chips and see if your friends can guess the color based off the color name

2.  Frequent Flier Every time a bus stops and you are close enough to catch you must get on for at least 2 stops

3. Garden Party go to a park and impersonate a common object (lamp, bush, trashcan). see how long you go unnoticed

4. Free Education Walk into a (preferably large) class you are not enrolled in. pretend you belong. get to know the teacher, do the homework. see how long you last

5. The Network See how many advancements/connections you can make through linkedIn without logging in , and by only using links in emails

6. Hired! Wear a similar outfit as an employee, and go into a store(like walmart/target). Make sure you study the store so you know where Items would be. Go in every day for a week and help out customers. Try to befriend actual employees.

7. Stranger Danger Walk around campus. Find someone you dont know,  and pretend you know who they are (because of [interp / freshman dorm / orientation week / common forgotten experience ] ). try to hold a conversation and catch up. get to know them. start hanging out. see how long you can last. after 2 years, tell them the truth, this was all a game and you didnt know them after all, but not you do and you have gained a friend