Download the file used in the videos
And do the exercises under each video.
What is a texture? What are materials again? What is a UV map? What is unwrapping? What are seams? How do I edit a UV map onto an existing texture?
Exercise: color a mushroom through materials, unwrap a mushroom onto the mushroom texture.
What are UV projections? How do I apply an image to a flat surface like in a painting, sign, monitor, etc?
Exercise: find a picture and apply it as texture on the frame model. Try texturing the frame too.
How do I use photoshop to create textures? How do I export a UV map?
Exercise: texture the fish model from the uv map using images assembled in photoshop (or a similar application).
How do I apply simple flat or gradient colors? How do I use a texture as palette? How do I achieve that smooth cartoon style FAST?
Exercise: Texture the car model using a gradient palette
How do I paint textures directly on models?
Exercise: Texture the fish model using texture painting.
This is just to get a sense of what texture painting is. Next time we’ll try Adobe substance 3D.