Andy Biar: Readings Unit 2

The first thing I read this time around was the Experimental AI piece. I appreciated the brief taxonomy of artificial intelligence that it provided, but I was very intrigued by the Terminal Time piece which the author described. I wanted to know more, so I found the Terminal Time website, and I was shocked to see that Terminal Time was a project from 1999. They fit all the narrative, audio, and video footage to be synchronized together on a 32 GB external drive, which I found to be simultaneously impressive and questionable. I was hoping for a more serious algorithmic pairing of events, but the architecture suggested to me that the project was far simpler.

After that, I read Hemmingway’s Hills Like White Elephants. After I started reading it, I felt like I had read it before. After a page and half or so, I was hooked. I finished the article very quickly, and then I was frustrated because I didn’t understand the point. Then I got on the internet and learned about Hemmingway’s “Iceberg Theory”, and how the whole story was about abortion. After gathering the pieces of my blown mind, I learned a lot about how I can use dialogue to transfix my user, even while only subtly mentioning the actual purpose of the conversation.