Assignment 2 Reading Responses

Chapter 3: Face

What’s interesting about game characters and the minimal detail is that there aren’t as many subtle facial expressions they way real people have.   Thinking about the exaggerated expressions, users of American Sign Language (ASL) are often much more expressive because they have to convey tone of voice through their facial expressions and movements.  In the first part about facial recognition and responses from monkeys, I wonder what the reaction would be to faces that are in the “uncanny valley.”


I found this chapter to be really intriguing in the implementation of Eliza.  I think it would be interesting to implement the AI-ness of Eliza in a game so that the conversation was much more dynamic and not limited to a set series of actions that we, as developers, decide.  The difference would be that games can also include visuals, so maybe in the same way that Eliza has memory of key actions, the game would search the internet for that key action and deliver images or video.