Assignment 3 – Martin

So I am going to continue with the sentient (sapient if you want to be technical) equation, or 4 dimensional being. To that end I want to explore a world at string level. By this I mean conceptualizing what the world looks like at the subatomic level (string theory), where micro wormholes form and die every second. If you recall my character is able to control wormholes so I am thinking this is where it would live, or spend a lot of its time. It’s a place where it could go unnoticed and still extrude into our universe constantly.

  1. I am curious as to what the game will look like, but I am sure this has a lot of potential and you could get really creative with this idea.

  2. How can you make it have wormholes that form and die every second and are practical concerning interaction with the player? Seems spastic to me but you could pull it off.

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