The game I am proposing is a combination of point-and-click and platformer. The world is very simple with few colors and simple shapes that is made up of a series of levels moving upward. The player plays a stick-figure wizard who has the magic to manipulate geometric primitive to do his bidding. On each level, the player must do two things: 1) figure out how to manipulate the geometry to result in turning on the lights for the above platform, and 2) figure out how to manipulate the geometry again to reach the above platform. The wizard wants to get to the top for some reason or another (haven’t quite fleshed that out yet).
Example: The player starts out with a single line (maybe his wand?) which he has to spin really fast until it forms a circle, rolls down the fill, and hits the button, turning on the lights for the above level. Then he must enlarge the circle until he realizes that it is not a circle, but rather a 16-gon. Then he can connect all opposite vertices and create a ladder that he can climb up to the second level.