1. Nice! At first it took me a few tries to figure that the drugee always dies and the policeman doesn’t like getting punched in the face but great story! Theres a nice balance of how much you have to listen or take action, because you can’t win just from bring too passive or two aggressive. Well done!

  2. Fun fact, Luke, the drugee does not always die. If you yell, yell, and dislocate his elbow he tells you the name of his supplier. Which is one thing that seemed inconsistent to me – boxing his ear kills him, tackling him kills him, yelling at him kills him, but a combination of yelling and arm twisting does not? I didn’t believe it. Also, this would be more code-intensive, but I got crazy frustrated that Corletti kept killing me and I had to start over. A checkpoint would have been nice. Pretty sweet idea overall though

  3. This was hilarious to play through, because PERMACAPS. I did like the fact that you needed to balance restraint and aggression, as said above.

  4. Okay, I really liked this. I mean, you never ask any questions, everyone just knows what you want after you beat them up a bit. It is really fun. It is a bit too easy to lose. I mean I wish you could get injured and then go back to it after going through a period where you question if it is worth it or if you are strong enough. And, why does the trail run cold after you get kicked out of the police department, why not just go back to the docks or something. The cheese factor is awesome. The only other thing I would say, and I am sure this is just a time issue, is that the art style could be more consistent. It is book-ended with this really dark and awesome art style that I love, but everything else is sort of just fun and not really consistent with the graphic novel themes you have going.

    1. Oh yeah, you also need some music.

  5. I like how the game began with an ostensible noir-ish feeling and then added humor by giving you ridiculous choices and reactions. I agree that a checkpoint would be useful, it was annoying having to go back to the opening scene over and over in a game where you’re guaranteed to fail a bunch of times. Otherwise a really intriguing story!

  6. Nice illustrations. The dialogue was pretty hilarious. I like how you basically have to be overly agressive, and you’re essentially just choosing the level of agression with which you approach the situation. The way that the choices affect the outcome of the game seems a bit random (when do you break a guy’s sternum vs. yelling aggressively?), and I agree with Andy that checkpoints would have been nice. Overall, a very amusing and fun game.

  7. At first I was confused as to how I should get further in the story, but then I remembered all the Batman the Animated Series I watched recently and suddenly was able to get through it smoothly by emulating the world’s greatest detective/role model.

  8. the main character looks very cool, he has a very unique superhero design which i thought was pretty cool. the story is well crafted and has many directions which makes it more engaging.

  9. I like how the different characters react to different stimuli, like the druggie and his dealer. I accidentally shouted the druggie to death the first time through, turns out he only talks if you start beating him up. And the dealer you just show up and kick him in the leg once and he tells you everything. Also, I don’t know why the last guy was a bad guy because I just beat him up and left BUT THAT MADE ME THE VICTOR. This is the best game and Sonance is the best hero.

  10. This is the hardest game I have ever played. I really love the dialogue choices that you are given but it is pretty much just all guess work to actually get through the game and I didn’t like that too much. Your graphics are also decent and I love the scribble wounds that develop on the characters. Overall really fun but frustrating to get through.

  11. It took me a while to realize you had to ask questions AND THEN resort to violence. Of all the games in the class, this is probably the hardest I’ve played. I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. One thing I’m not sure about is how quickly the graphics transition from detailed and gritty (the protagonist, the dead cop) to simplistic, almost humorous. In a way, I guess it works, but it still kinda throws me off because of what you’re prompted to do.

  12. Your classmates are too nice. I can see some appeal in the Dark Knight/vigilante superhero parody but you need some adult-swim kind of edge in the visual style or dialogues to make it really work.

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