‘In Search of Season’ <3

So for my GameMaker game, I want to make a really simple plat former/side scroller. You’re able to move left, right, and able to jump. You have a bow, from which you can fire arrows; there are no enemies, but the arrows you fire become platforms. Essentially, there’s no real puzzle or huge challenge in it; you just go through and explore the places. When an area is completed, the character is taken to one of a completely different season, sometimes a similar place, but possibly different. The seasons/weather will be a variety, from temperate, snowing, storming, raining, fall times, etc. We’ll see how many of those I actually get done.

The soundtrack is from the instrumental/soundscapey tracks off The Ethnographer’s Dry Season, tracks I, II, III, and IV; The game is inspired by the album as a whole.

Here’s the first area!