Ariel, Melissa, Will update 2

Cancer Ransom

Countries and activists bid for the rights to the players newly discovered cure to cancer.  Will you give in to unimaginable wealth or

The player is the genius that has discovered a stable cure for cancer.  Many have tried to find this solution with dire consequences that have taken its toll on humanity.  Now having proven your success the world is at your mercy.  The countries that remain on 

earth are bidding for the rights to your knowledge hoping to gain an edge economically and in world status.  As always there are the stubborn uninformed who believe that your cure is actually just another virus that could deal the final blow to end humanity.The game takes place in this pivotal moment.

The player must decide is their knowledge worth money, spiritual importance, ethical judgment, selfish or selfless image.  The story would have multiple directions that play out based off the players choices of which countries or representatives to listen to or be influenced by.  There may be a hidden time limit where the players solution could be hacked from their computer or the lab is infiltrated and the player loses their influence on society.

The underlying messages would be very political and socially charged based off a possible near future universe.  The would be some instances of humor involved in the different countries offerings.
-USA, We will give you twice our debt
-China, We will give you half our people
-Kenya, we will give you all our cows


Christopher Coffin

The non-stereotypical female protagonist is a newcomer to a small town.  She moves into a mansion at the top of the hill, away from the townspeople, where she has a mansion-mate, CC.  She visits the townspeople introducing herself and telling them where she lives to which the townspeople explain to her that that mansion on the hill is inhabited by a peculiar man, CC.  When she approaches CC she sees that, indeed, he is quite reserved, but as she gets to know him better and become friends, she starts to LYK him. Non-stereotypical female protagonist gives him [insert sentimental gift here] as a token of their friendship.

There are strange incidents going around town, townspeople are dying and Christopher Coffin is to blame.  But just who is this Christopher Coffin? And could he be related to the mysterious CC?

CC has some internal struggle on whether to be good or not, but how can he when EVIL is all he’s known in life? He ends up deciding that he cannot be good like non-stereotypical female protagonist and returns the gift.


Vision Quest

Takes place in space. A character is sent out from his home planet into the galaxy to find his vision as all men reaching the age of 13 must. The process is the same, you must visit the medicine person and get your instructions on how to prepare for your journey, survive, and return home. He will tell you stories of others as to give you a good starting point.

During preparation you will be dehydrated, starved, and forced to be kept awake. The Medicine Person then blesses you and everything on your ship as a way of keeping you safe from the wild – it’s a safe haven. At the end of this process you are immediately sent on your journey. You’re goal is to keep yourself in this half dead state long enough to experience your vision. You can do this by eating minimally, putting off drinking water, or finding ways to keep yourself awake. Unfortunately, not eating today may mean not eating for weeks because items not blessed can not be put into the ship. If you die before acquiring your vision, you lose. If you gain too much weight the animals of the wild will eat you and you lose. If you attempt to bring anything from the outside world into your ship, the blessings will no longer keep you safe, your ship will be destroyed and you lose.

Experience the beauties of each of the planets, find your vision, and book it home.




other ideas

  1. guy visits other planet and he becomes a zoo animal/spectical/clown
    1. scientist comes up with creatures whose life span is a minute
    2. life with/without god
  2. guy cures cancer
    1. holds ransom
    2. auction
    3. politically incorrect
      1. all the cows from kenya
      2. all of our debt U.S.
    4. will only give to buddhist
    5. Twine style
  3. we’re all connectedwe need a frickin’ gimmick, we have a cat in our band!
    1. connected  by wires
    2. fingertips
    3. avatar – plug me in
  4. boring game (with idea below)
  5. stem cells
    1. “i can code that”
    2. watching water boil
      1. What can happen in that time
    3. i heard you like some empathy with your morals
  6. google takes over the world
    1. rogue fb account – look at the spam
    2. trying to draw but comes out squiggly
  7. The feelings of keyboard buttons
    1. sequence of buttons tells a story q
      1. words tells a story

us postal service created armstrong
snail mail
revive postal service
targeting phones so can’t send emails, sms
puppet for us postal service
admitted to performance enhancing drugs becuase he is not human
campaign to revive snail mail
One word convincer

  1. Everyone has a quota of conversions
  2. Turns into a polarized war to convert the whole population
  3. Having more children and abusing their word to shift the population