No Tech Game: Kraus Campo Checkers

by Mark Strelow, Luo Yi Tan, and Collin Burger

What you need to play:

  • up to 5 teams with 2 people on each
  • a beanbag (or other small, throwable item) for each team

(It is more convenient with more beanbags, but only 1 beanbag is necessary to play.)

Basic idea:

Each team designates one member to stand on the board (player A), while the other member traverses the orange tiles of the garden’s pathways (player B). Teams take turns, with player A from each team throwing their beanbag onto the board. Whatever number it lands on is the number of spaces player B must move. If a player B from one Team X lands on a space occupied by Team Y’s player B, Team Y is knocked out.

How it works:

  1. Each team designates a member to be player A, and the other is player B.
  2. Teams throw their beanbags onto the board, and the team that gets the highest number gets to go first.
  3. Player B from each team disperses to separate corners of the garden’s orange pathways, and chooses a starting space and a direction to start moving in.
    • The ‘spaces’ that player B moves on are dictated by the small grooves in the orange pathways.
    • For the start of the game, none of these players should be within 10 spaces of another, which should not be a problem if they are well spread out.
  4. Player A from the first team throws his or her beanbag onto the board.
    • The players from the other teams can attempt to block the throw, as long as they do not leave their spaces.
    • Player A moves to stand on the board tile that his or her beanbag lands on.
  5. Player B moves forward according to the number player A’s beanbag landed on.
    • Any 9 or 6 should be regarded as a 6.
    • A zero causes player B to turn around.
  6. If player B lands on a different team’s player B, the player that was landed on is knocked out.
  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for the next team, and so on. Continue until there is one player remaining.


This game is meant to make full use of the garden, and create a communication between the player on the board and the player on the pathways. From the board, it is difficult to see exactly where people on the pathways are, or how far away from each other they are. Thus, player A might need player B’s help determining what number to aim for. At the same time, the nature of what player A is doing makes it a game of skill to get the desired number. So the teams need to use skill, planning, and cooperation to try to win.


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