Project Proposal: Dream Descent

In this game you are therapist who uses the R.E.M to explore the inner consciousnesses of your patients and release them from their mental fatigue. The game plays out from a top-down perspective, where you navigate up and down the layers of your patient to treat them.

Additional Notes: NO PUZZLES, Modular Room layout/structure, you go up and down often. May switch from dream concept to just talking about Neural Nets in Computer Science

Artistic Statement:

With this project I’m trying to be able to successfully present the illusion of depth in a 2D space. In general, many many games are content with restricting the player to a single plane of movement, rarely giving them the sensation of falling or rising through “layers” of the space. With this game, I want to be able to convey the sensation of actually ascending or descending through a level and to use that feeling to communicate a sense of progress. The parameters of success will be primarily the effectiveness of the illusion and whether or not moving up and down these layers feels seamless

White Room:

Video Game Inspirations:

Yume Nikki: Because I can’t music and generative soundscapes sounds more doable

Flat top down. Graphic style

Flow: Layer concept

Other References:


Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Neural Nets