7 Micro Games — Aman Tiwari

  1. (≥1 players)
    imagine the walls of the room as an atlas. choose a great circle, and describe the climates, cultures, flora and fauna of the regions as you trace over it.
  2. (≥1 players)
    spin google maps, flip through an atlas at random, choose a place without looking. look at it, compete to find a thing (object, shape, stain) in the room that most closely matches the shape of the country (or state) (alt ruleset: choose a place without showing it to the others. the ‘chooser’ can point at objects in the room to get the others to guess the country chosen.)
  3. (≥2 players, must be cloudy)
    the game starts when a player declares it to start and another agrees with the declaration. it must be cloudy. the game lasts for the next 30 minutes (adjust based on skill). if the clouds clear within the next 30 minutes, the declarer wins.
  4. (≥3 players)
    a person says a word. on the count of 3, the others say a word after it (after defined lexicographically/as in the dictionary). the closest word wins. if two people say the same word they automatically lose, and if someone says a non-real word (and is found out) they also lose.
  5. (≥4 players)
    everyone is divided into 2 teams. they line up, alternating by team (beginning with team 1). then, leftmost person makes a statement about the scene in front of them. the information is passed left to right, by whispering from person to person. a player can change one word when re-transmitting the statement. the goal of team 1 is to have the end person say a statement with the same semantic meaning, and of team 2 to prevent that.
  6. (≥2 players)
    the ceiling is beautiful. race from an end of a room (with a beautiful ceiling) to the other, only looking at the ceiling
  7. (≥2 players, have to be in thrift/junk store)
    pictionary, but instead of drawing you can only use objects found in the thrift/junk store you are all in.