7 Micro Games – Annie Huang

  1. Diceventure (1) Find a dice and use it to guide your journey. If you throw an odd number then you need to turn left at the next juncture. If you throw a even number then turn right instead. You lose once you ends up at a place that you had already visited in this game.
  2. Healthy Eating (1) Eat one bite of meat item and then two bites of vegetables/fruit. You lose when you forget you are in a game.
  3. Mimic-U (1) Mimic a stranger’s movement. You lose if that person notices what you are doing.
  4. Blind Walk (1) Find an open field. Stand in the center of the field, close your eyes then walk carefully. You lose when you run into something.
  5. Appraisers (2+) First find a book. Then players will each pick a word that he/she thinks would appear most frequently in it. Now turn to a random page and count.
  6. Stair Climbers(2+) Find a set of stairs, go up 1 step at a time first, then 2, then 3 at a time. If you are not able to reach the next step with the current number of in-between steps then you lose.
  7. What’s Next (2+) Sing to a song playing in the background of a public space. Each player will alternate and sing one line each. The person that fails to correctly sing the next line loses.