7 Micro Games – Ari

  1. Utensil Tower Whoever can make the tallest structure of x utensils wins.
  2. Untouchable Color Choose a primary or secondary color and don’t touch it. Other player(s) try to guess the color.
  3. Pictionary Duals Two players are given different words. They need to draw them, and everyone else playing tries to guess. The two players take turns drawing on the same sheet of paper, taking 5 second turns each. Whoever’s word gets guessed first wins.
  4. Account Sleuth Two players compete to find as many of the other player’s online accounts as possible. Whoever can find the most, wins.
  5. Google Doodle Calendar Go through Google’s Doodles page (https://www.google.com/doodles/brazil-national-day-2017), and shrink the window such that you can only see the doodle, and not the title. If you can guess the holiday/significance of that day, you get 1 point. Continue on to the next day. Whoever gets to 10 points first wins.
  6. Back Attack If you get poked in the back (between the shoulder blades), you’re out. You’re only allowed to make physical contact via attempts to poke the person in the back (no grabbing/holding). Last one in the game wins.
  7. Where’s Waldo’s Other Outfit? The first person to spot someone wearing white sneakers, not wearing jeans, and has glasses, wins.