Proposal + 2D/3D installation

For my installation project, I wanted to make an environment by putting 2D sprites and animation in a clearly 3D space, creating an illusion of depth for objects that clearly don’t have any.

Windows build
Mac build

Proposal One

Title: Storytelling(Working title)

Description: A “mad-lib” style game where you fill in blanks to a story, and the story is then told based on your choices. However, your only choices when you fill in blanks are bad literary tropes/stereotypes. Working within the constraints of these, you must somehow subvert and escape the story you’re trapped in.

Art/Research Statement: I really want to use this game to examine some common tropes found in entertainment and storytelling, and how constraining/harmful they can be. At the same time, I want to find clever ways to subvert or rewrite them to be better.

1. Kentucky Route Zero: Visuals/staging and narrative
2. Stanley Parable
3. Woman Known as Fujiko Mine: Shadow puppet imagery, animation style, trope deconstruction.
4. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (the TV show)

Proposal Two

Title: Real-time Knitting Simulator

Description: A real-time knitting simulator in which you can select different articles of clothing to make. Each ‘stitch’ you make corresponds to a stitch in an actual object, for however many stitches the article of clothing should be. For larger objects like sweaters, you can reach different milestones for each ‘part’ of the object (for example sleeve, or front half).

Art/Research Statement: This is sort of an anti-game where I want to simulate the (at times frustrating) repetition and frankly ridiculous amount of time it takes to knit something. At the end of it, however, you don’t even get a ‘real’, physical object as a reward for the time you’ve put in; you get a ‘useless’ virtual one. This will hopefully contribute to the conversation over whether or not spending time and real money for ‘virtual’/’fake’ goods is worthwhile or not.

1. Goat simulator
3. My obsessive knitting habits

Proposal Three

Title: Catfish

Description: A game set entirely on a browser/computer interface where you try to catfish someone through a series of emails in an attempt to find the secret to happiness.

Art/Research Statement: I want to examine the relationship between our virtual/online identities and our real selves, and due to the prevalence of the internet, how one individual can have multiple personas (and not necessarily that some of them are ‘fake’).

1. Digital: A Love Story
2. Pony Island
3.  Mystic Messenger (I have not actually played this game and do not plan to ever)
4. That one time one of my friend’s online communities got catfished and it caused a huge scandal
5. Catfish: The Documentary
6. Samurai Flamenco (one of the character’s obsessive texting habits)