7 Micro Games – Adela Kapuscinska

(1+) Look around you for open, circular objects. Attempt to close them with anything of your choosing.

(1) Find a pitched roof. Imagining a line going off of one of the spines of the pitch, install yourself at where it would intersect with the ground.

(1+) Pick a stranger and seek ways of physically staying above/below them. Uneven terrain is preferred. Don’t let them know either.

(1+) Pick a stranger who seems particularly inconvenienced by the sun. Do them a favor and stand in the way. Abandon quest if spotted.

(1) Stand in line to thank for a service, that had just served you.

(1) Spot a group of people moving a particular direction. Head the opposite way and based on what you see, conjecture the reason for their irrational behavior.

(2+) Draw a line between two things you think should have a relationship. and offer no explanation. You are awarded 1 point if your partner agrees – otherwise, they have to hear your explanation. If you make a convincing case, you get 2 points.
