Avi Romanoff, Bryan Tiggs, Kate Chaudoin, Ariana Daly, Giada Sun
Intaxicated is a two player game in which a drunkard, too intoxicated to make it home on their own, has called a Brewber to safely take them home from the bars. However, finding a drunk person this spaghetti road town is like trying to catch a cat.
GPS ins’t working so the Brewber driver is on the phone with their drunkard trying to coordinate the pickup location. The drunkard is stumbling around town, trying their best to direct their driver to them before they black out.
Play Intaxicated here *only two people can play/click the link at a time*
Drunkard Instructions:
You’re drunk! Your job is to describe where you are so that your Brewber driver can pick you up before you black out in 3 minutes.
- Move with the arrow keys.
- If you stay still for too long, you’ll stumble in a random direction.
- When your driver thinks you’re both on the same square, they’ll try to pick you up. Press SPACEBAR or click “Confirm Pickup” to get in.
- If you’re on the same square, you win! If not, you lose a pickup attempt.
- Lose all 3 of your attempts and it’s game over!
Driver Instructions:
You’re a Brewber™ driver! You called your passenger to find out where they are, and it seems like they’re drunk. Your job is to pick them up before they black out in 3 minutes.
- Move with the arrow keys. Abide by the rules of the road: you’ll have to follow the speed limit and move when the border of your tile is green, and there are no U-turns!
- If your drunkard stays in the same space for too long, they’ll stumble in a random direction.
- When you think you and your drunk are on the same square, press SPACEBAR or click “Attempt Pickup”.
- Your drunk will have to confirm the pickup on their screen. If you’re on the same square, you win! If not, you lose a pickup attempt. Lose all 3 of your attempts and it’s game over!