Direct a child-like organism’s emotional and mental growth using voice. Modulate tone, pitch, and volume to reprimand and “punish” the organism as it reacts to other stimuli. Use psychological techniques like operant conditioning to manipulate the organism’s long-term behavior. Your goal is to riddle the organism with anxieties, phobias, and nervous tics until it is unable to function.
You control a character afflicted by visual representations of their guilt, depression, and mental illnesses. Their movement is weighed down by barnacle-like creatures that are attached to the character’s body and worm-like creatures that grow within the character. You, as the player, must physically shake off these parasites and/or destroy them in some other way by moving your body.
You are an orator. Command a political party with your facial expressions, which might include anger, sympathy, determination, and vengeance. The appropriate expression depends on your current goal, the mood of your crowd, and current political trends (e.g. if your party is vilified in the media, an angry, contradictory expression won’t be fruitful).