Face Fighter

Author: Joel Simon

Description: Placed in head-to-head combat two faces must fight it out for survival. The whole game is controlled by the players faces. Players can fire speech bubbles out of their mouths, aim them with their eyebrows and form shields by closing their eyes. The result is a lot of funny faces made by both players. The faces also move around the screen dodging speech bubbled and gathering power. Too much movement risks being lost by the face tracker, while too little also leaves you vulnerable. Staying far away from the screen makes one a smaller target but will also make their attacks weaker since the speech bubbles will be smaller.

Instructions:  FaceOSCSyphon.app must be running in the background. Then run the exported processing sketch for windows/osx. Enter your friends ip address and play.

Sauce: github

Joel Simon Final proposal.

Face fighter is essentially a strategic funny face competition. Faces will map to combat moves between the players faces.  I am aiming for something simplistic in ui and well polished.


Nov. 4 – Finish making deadlines.
Nov. 10 – Get open frameworks and libraries working, understand limitations of system.
Nov. 17 – Make basic prototype that contains the most basic functionality, perhaps a few moves.
Nov. 24 – Aim to finish by now leaving 24-1 as time to polish.
Dec. 1 – Finish

Sound – ASMR game

I have wanted to make an ASMR game for a while, I am assuming no one else is familiar with it.

From wikipedia…

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a neologism for a perceptual phenomenon characterized as a distinct, pleasurable tingling sensation in the head, scalp, back, or peripheral regions of the body in response to visual, auditory, olfactory, and/or cognitive stimuli. The nature and classification of the ASMR phenomenon is controversial. Tom Stafford, a professor at the University of Sheffield, says, “It might well be a real thing, but it’s inherently difficult to research.”[

“Other phrases to describe the sensation refer to it as a “brain orgasm”, “brain massage”, “head tingle”, “brain tingles”, “head orgasm”, “spine tingle”, and “braingasm”

Everyone who experiences ASMR has different triggers, for many it is whispering. Think Bob Ross.

Anyway, the game would consist of a psychiatric patient who you have to whisper to to relax them. The tone and pitch of your voice would be analyzed, although I’m not entirely sure how this would work.

Body – Street Fighter!! (or street portal)

A kinect  will wait for two people to walk towards one another on the street, then it will make each one control a different fighter. Suddenly these people will be forced to interact and their body movements control the two fighters.


I also think something collaborative could be fun. Like street portal!

Random two people will be given a puzzle to solve together. One person can place portals by pointing to a location, the other is able to push the block around. And yeah, bonding with random people over portal.  c:

Face – faceFighter!!!

Have you ever wanted to fight someone with your face?

No? well, me neither. But soon we can!

Players confront one another on their computers and use contorted facial expressions to battle. A glare will fire lazzers (pew pew)  while a shocked expression forms a shield. People dont make enough silly faces,  now they have reason to.




bankRun – one button game.

The motivation behind this idea was to create a game that was not centered around trying to get as much input out of one button as possible (i.e press, hold, quick tap etc.) but making the button press be something monumental that players do once per game. To achieve this I wanted the button press to be something players would have to deliberate and plan, based on the group dynamics of who they were playing with.

The broad gameplay is to try to wait out as long as possible to sell (hit the button) without waiting too long until everyone sells before you. Since if a group of players sell it will crash the stock.

Text updates notify everyone the stock price…

The stock price moves randomly around a value based on how many players are left, there also exists some upper bound which is exponential to the number of players. So it only needs to be worried about when there are a few players left.

So why would someone want to hold their stock? For any stock price that exists, there exists a point in the future where the stock price is higher (for a reasonably high number of players). It gets increasingly unlikely, but is guaranteed to happen probabisticly. However, this is if no one else sells, since once a majority of players sell the value of the stock and its upper bound will decrease.  So from the point of view of a player they want to wait until a stock price that they are confident in, such that the risk of waiting for a higher one is outweighed by the risk that everyone will sell before then. Essentially everyone needs to try to predict when they think others will sell and sell it right before the rush. Since once some amount of momentum is gained it will force the other players to get to the bank as fast as possible.

So why wouldn’t I sell right away? Well this partial depends with the people you are playing with. Consider this situation, player A sells right away for the starting price. One player out of many will not effect the stock a noticeable amount, the likelihood it will go above this starting price soon is almost guaranteed. So player A has guaranteed themselves an average return, which may be desirable for some.

A harmonic oscillator with random variance damped by the price max may be a better way to stimulate the stock as opposed to the current drunk walk it does. I will have to experiment with it.

code here –https://github.com/Sloth6/bankRun


Joel City of Play report.

The city of play festival was an interesting experiment in group organized games amongst strangers. I  only played about 4 games while I was there, yet two of them seemed to fall under a very similar category. One was roaming gnomes, a game where about two dozen uniquely painted gnomes are placed are the ground, evenly distributed across a large area. Every player is handed a card which has a direction, in gnomish of course, and some translations for another direction. Players must seek the person who has the translation for his/her direction, find the translation then do it. For instance, move the candy cane colored gnome to the green tile. Another similar one was a group game where every player had a card with a type and a few goals. Players must create groups that had no two of the same type and all had a common goal and then do this as many times as possible. The obvious result from trying these types of games with a group of players is mostly every standing in a clump yelling out at one another. Eventually, through sheer dedication you will eventually find someone you are looking for through brute force. I did not find this a very compelling type of game for group play. So why was this? firstly, I just outright did not find it very fun. In addition to the annoying yelling in my ears from every direction, it felt more like a task than an actual game. None of the ‘objectives’ really took much skill to do or were very rewarding to complete. I think it was more the experience of being in a crowd of people yelling silly things that made it an arguably fun experience for others.