Student Area

Assignment 4 – Snowglobe

Hi I know I’m super late with this but I got a late start and again started out with too big of a scope.  Basically you play this character in a snowglobe and you have to learn how to sustain yourself.  Right now what I have is two (really three) rooms: (1) you see the snowglobe on the shelf, (2) you see inside the snowglobe and (3) you see only what is immediately around the character.


You can use ‘z’ to zoom between the different rooms, ‘space’ to shake the snowglobe (shelf room), or make snowmen from piles of snow and make a campfire (other two rooms).  If you want to try you can download the game here:


I wanted to add in that the piles of snow only appear if you shake the snowglobe before zooming in (as well as snow on the trees and rocks and house and campfire), and that if you’re zoomed in for awhile the snow would start to melt.  I have all the artwork for this just didn’t have the time to implement it.  Also, I wanted to create status bars for hunger, rest, fun, and warmth that you can up by milking the cows/collecting eggs, going into the house, making snowmen, and making a fire, respectively.

got to post something


I CONTINUE TO SUFFER FROM TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES but it’s almost there, updated build posted, in-game story stuff is in, prologue and epilogue are not

also there’s no music because the filesystem is being a jerk and won’t show me the track I downloaded, this will hopefully also be rectified when the prologue/epilogue issue is

Your name is Molly. Your best friend Emily was on a date with some guy, but then she got kidnapped by robots, so it’s up to you to save her. By hitting things with a hockey stick. The robots are sort of incompetent so she’ll text you relevant information as she gets it. This bit of mindless exposition will be replaced by a neato interactive COMIC PAGE when technology stops hating me.

arrow keys to move, down to hit the breaks, up to jump

space to hit things

z answers phone, x dismisses messages

r resets the level if you die or the game if you win

Nico’s Freaggin Game


Right click the picture and click “save link as” or something similar

Save it into your sandbox

Open with blender on one of the Imacs, click the main window (pink area) and press P to play.

Controls are WASD and arrow keys


Assignment4 Progress

Haven’t finished…> <…

Got some bugs when I added the dialog boxes. For example, the scarecrow is a portal right now. Also, all the function related to screen refresh was obsolete after I updated my GameMaker . Didn’t know how to solve it. So right now it’s just some environment…

Will updated the assets if necessary..  T ^ T

Supercat – Clyde Shaffer (STILL NOT DONE D:)

UPDATE: I added doors that you can punch to open.

I fixed some really really awful gamebreaking bugs in the platforming physics.

I was about to post the new build but then dropbox chewed up the online copy of the project and now I can’t post it until I’m back at my apartment.

Heres a screenshot of a door instead

I have all (currently needed) features implemented, but so far only have a crappy little testing level.

What I have so far is technically playable, so you can at least download it and see. (zip file containing both OSX and Windows builds)

Controls are WASD movement, spacebar jump, shift runs, mouse moves camera. Other controls mentioned in game text as needed.

shift is to run

shift is to run


Also this is a reincarnation of a project I tried to do in high school but ended in disaster because I hadn’t learned to manage large projects yet and it gradually got buggy as hell. Hopefully I can do it better this time with all new code and assets.

Video of old project for reference.


Click on the image to get zip.

Play as the protagonist who is encountering all the pressures that come along with becoming an adult. As you’ll learn, sometimes it’s difficult to choose between being accepted and doing what’s right for you but no matter how many wrong decisions you make, remember there’s always a way out.

This game examines young adults from a very extreme, stereotypical view point.

Still adding features:
I have a few more interactions to add in a couple of rooms
and an “acceptance” counter. But here’s what I have so far.

Assignment 4: Redo

The player is a “non-stereotypical female protagonist” trying to uncover her life’s past. She wanders through a static, timeless space with a limited worldview finding items from her past which reveal cut scenes to her past. After seeing her past, she has the opportunity to go back and retake her actions…With each vision her worldview increases until the entire screen is revealed.

I’m still not done yet / am figuring out how to make the cutscenes work properly.