Student Area

7 Micro Games – Vic

Enemy Bracelet (2 player)

  1. Find an enemy and 2 pieces of string.
  2. Place the 2 pieces of string so that they make an X.
  3. Tie a knot at the center of the X.
  4. Face your enemy, so that you are both of you are holding 2 ends of the X.
  5. Begin tying knots as fast as you can working from the center of the X to the ends of the string.
  6. Who ever gets to the end of the string first wins.
  7. The loser must keep the strings and wear them as a bracelet as a reminder of their enemy’s triumph.

Don’t Say Fuck (4 or more players)

  1. Pick a word.
  2. No players are allowed to say this word for the rest of the day.
  3. If a player says the word they are eliminated.
  4. Pick a new word for the next day.
  5. Repeat until there is only one person left. They are the winner.

Slow Roast (2 players)

  1. Go to the post office and mail your friend an insult.
  2. They then, mail you and insult back in reply.
  3. Repeat this back and forth.
  4. The winner will be apparent.

Related Images (2 Player)

  1. A player initiates the game by texting their opponent a photo that they have stored on their phone.
  2. The opponent must then search their phone for the most similar image.
  3. The player then gives the opponent two scored from 0-3, 0 being the least similar to the image and then 3 being the most similar.
    • The first score is for how similar the content of the two photos is.
    • The second score is for how visually similar the two photos are.
  4. Now the player must search their phone for a images and send one to the opponent that is most similar to the one the opponent sent them.
  5. The opponent then scores the image the same way explained in 3.
  6. Repeat this back and forth for 15 rounds.
  7. Whoever has the highest score wins.
  8. Do not repeat images.
  9. Do not send images to purposefully make the opponent uncomfortable or upset.

The Long Youtube Game (1 player)

  1. Click on a Suggested video on the homepage.
  2. Watch till the end.
  3. Take the last word said in the video and type it into the search bar and hit enter. (If the video is without spoken or sung words then pick a new video).
  4. Click on the first suggested video.
  5. Watch till the end.
  6. Take the last word said in the video and type it into the search bar and hit enter.
  7. Repeat  4-6 until you get to a video you have already watched.

If you complete all the tasks you win. You may avoid or stop watching videos if you feel like they may contain disturbing, gross, or hurtful content for you. Play safe.

Send Noods (3 or more players)

  1. Create a group chat with all players.
  2. Take a photo whenever you eat noodles.
  3. When a player texts the group saying “Send Noods”, everyone must send a photo of the last noodles you ate.
  4. Whoever has the best photo wins the round.

Secret Note (3 or more players)

  1. Gather all players and then give a player a red card.
  2. Then disperse and then go about your day as usual.
  3. Whoever has the read card is “it”.
  4. The player who is “it” must give another player the card without the other player knowing. (ex: slipping it into a pocket, leaving it on a table for them, slipping it into a locker).
  5. Do not let anyone know you are playing the game. The game may cause you to perform odd behaviour, but you must keep the game a secret. If someone finds out about the game or asks you about your odd behaviour then the game is over.

7 Micro Games – Kate

  1. Cat Whisperer: Walk until you find a cat on the street. Whoever the cat allows to pet them first wins the trust of the cat, but doesn’t win the game. The cat decides the winner and you’re all losers in the eyes of a cat.
  2. I’m not the stalker, you are: Follow a person around all day. If they confront you, accuse them of following you before they can accuse you of following them. If you convince them that they’re the creep, you win.
  3. Marriage: Pick a flower and give it to the first hottie you see. Ask them out. Go on a date. Get married. Live the rest of your lives together. If they reject or dump you, you lose.
  4. Someone Else’s Shoes: Find someone you don’t see eye to eye with and get them to give you their shoes. Put them on even if they don’t fit and walk a mile in them. Give them back and tell them what you think their life’s story is. Get into the nitty gritty details, like maybe their relationship with their estranged father or why they think their girlfriend cheated on them. If you don’t get slapped, you win.
  5. Bedtime: Stay up talking until people fall asleep. If you’re the last one up you win! Your prize is loneliness and the existential dread that comes with sleepless nights.
  6. Mystery Pen Pal: Pick a random address in a phone book and send them a letter. Include a return address. Keep writing letters until they contact you back. If they tell you to stop sending them things, you lose. If you gain a friend, you win.
  7. Dish Licker: Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? Pick up a plate and lick it to find out. If it’s clean, now you have a dirty plate and need to wash it again and you lose. If it’s dirty you win an unexpected snack!

7 Micro Games – Bryan

1. Beep Beep: One person says “BEEP BEEP” and pretends to be a car, charging towards their friends who must attempt to get out of the way.

2. Friendspotting: With a group chat of people that live near each other, take a covert picture any time you see a member of the group that hasn’t yet seen you and post it to the group before they realize you’ve spotted them.

3. Limerick Kick: Collaborative limerick writing. The first player starts with a line. The second player says a second line that rhymes and has roughly the same number of syllables. The first person follows with a somewhat longer line that doesn’t rhyme with the first two, and the second person follows with a line fitting the convention of the first two. This can be expanded to three or four players as well.

4. 1%: Someone says “one percent”. The first person to pull out a phone charger after this wins.

5. Rhyme Time: One person says a monosyllabic word, and a second person has 3 seconds to say a monosyllabic word that rhymes. This goes back and forth until someone fails to think of a word within the time limit or repeats a word that has already been said that round, and that person loses.

6. Dungeons and Dares: Everyone has 3 stats (Charisma, Wisdom, Dexterity) that are assigned +1, 0, and -1 in the order of their choice, determined when they start the game. A player gives another player a Dare at any time they wish, at which point the dared party rolls a D20, either physical or on their phone. Rolling a 1 means the dared party must do the dare, while a 20 means the daree must do the dare. Dares are in the Charisma category if they deal with social interaction, Dexterity if they are physically challenging, or Wisdom if the act is generally unwise. The dared party uses the relevant modifier after the category of the dare is agreed upon. 1s and 20s cannot be modified, but a -1 makes a 2 into a 1 and a +1 makes a 19 into a 20.

  • Class Names (these aren’t needed to explain the game, but I thought they would be fun)
    • Performer: C+ D0 W-
    • Celebrity: C+ W0 D-
    • Tactician: W+ C0 D-
    • Scientist: W+ D0 C-
    • Athlete: D+ W0 C-
    • Acrobat: D+ C0 W-

7. Game of Throne: Everyone tries to sit in the same chair. If you fall out of the chair you’re “dead”. Last person standing sitting is the ruler of Westeros.

Bryan Tiggs

I’m not an art student so I never made a portfolio or uploaded/organized my art in any way that I could post a link to it oops

Cat Selfie small

i’m the one on the left

Bio major with a minor in BME. Game design isn’t part of my major at all, but I’m gonna design some games anyway and ain’t nobody gonna stop me (ง’̀-‘́)ง

7 Micro Games – Matthew Bofenkamp

  • There are two players. The first to kiss the other’s back wins. No lifting.
  • Never use stairs again.
  • Take pictures of as many of your Facebook friends as you can in a 24-hour period.
  • Go through as much time as possible without using one randomly selected letter of the alphabet.
  • Two players each have an hour to learn one word of their choosing in as many languages as they can. Whoever learns it in the most languages wins.
  • Two players ask each other the same question about each other. The first player to find a stranger who gives the same answer that their opponent did wins.
  • Hide and seek, but everyone seeks and the person who is being sought is someone who all the seekers know and doesn’t know they’re part of the game.

7 Micro Games – Adam J. Thompson

Destination (single player): Choose a destination. With the explicit intention of reaching it, travel for as long as possible and take as many detours as possible in order to not reach it. As soon as you reach it, you lose.

How Do I Get Here from Here? (single aware player): The player chooses and goes to a geographic location. Upon arrival, the player asks passers-by how to get to the location in which they are currently standing. The first passer-by to not know is informed that they are the winner. The game resets and begins again.

Mark on the World (any number of players): Players lie down in an area with tall grass for ten minutes. Players then stand up and lie in the body-shaped indentation left by another player for an additional ten minutes. Players stand up again and examine the shapes. The winner is the player who caused the least deformation of the original body indentation.

Follow, Follow (any number of players): Players go out into the world. Each attempts to follow  another while avoiding being followed themselves. When a player is caught in the act of following, that player is eliminated. The final player is the winner. The game has no time limit.

Jinx (two players): The players read aloud simultaneously to one another – the reading material can be anything: book, magazine, play, website, cereal box, but the two texts must be in the same language. The players are winners as long as they never speak the same word at the same time. When this occurs, both players lose and the game ends.

Just the Facts (two players to begin): The players go to a crowded location together. The first player chooses a stranger whom the second player must approach and ask for a fact about themselves. Then vice-versa, and on and on. When a fact is given, the stranger is invited to join the game. If a player refuses to speak to a selected stranger, one of two scenarios occur: another player can steal the turn and speak to the selected stranger, and in doing so eliminate the shy player. If no players are willing to steal the turn, all players lose and the game ends.

You Are Nowhere (single player): A player goes for a walk. The player gets lost. As soon as the player is not lost, the player loses.

7 Micro Games – Xavier

  • Acquaintance(s) (Min of 1 Player) – Whenever you come across an acquaintance (someone you don’t know that well, but still acknowledge by waving at them or asking how they’re doing) ignore them. When the acquaintance(s) ignores you back, you win the game, but lose any chance of getting to know them.
  • I Work Out (Min of 1 Players) – Every time someone invites you to eat out with them, tell them you can’t because you need to go to the gym (don’t actually go to the gym). You win when someone compliments your physique.
  • The Long Cross (Min of 1 Player) – While at a crosswalk, and the crossing light allows you to walk, count how many steps you take. Increase your step-count by 10 every crosswalk you use after. You lose if the crosswalk light turns to a solid red hand and you’re not yet on the sidewalk.
  • Tour Group (Min of 4 Players/2 Groups) – In a group of 2 or more, one team members must act like they’re giving the other member(s) a tour of the area. The goal is to get other people (unaware of the game) to join your tour group without explicitly telling them that you’re “giving tours”. The first team to gain 3 additional members in their tour group wins.
  • The Victor (Min of 1 Player) – When in an area filled with multiple people, look at your phone or laptop. After you feel as though your presence is established in the area, jump up excitedly and act as if you just received amazing news (i.e. – you got an A on a test, you won tickets to a concert, you got into graduate school, etc.), but don’t explicitly say what it was that happened. You win when someone congratulates you.
  • Silent Bingers (Min of 2 Players) – You and a friend, or group of friends, will binge watch a television show/movie series. While the show/movie is playing, the players are not allowed to audiate their emotions – they must emote through physical means (i.e. – facial expressions, hand movements, etc.). A player automatically loses if they emit a noise from their person. The last player playing wins.
  • Nodders (Min of 2 Players) – Make eye contact with someone you don’t know and nod your head at them in acknowledgement. If they nod back, you earn a point. The player with the most points at the end of the day wins.

7 Micro Games – Avi

Existential Dread Starter Pack

  1. Joshua: Convince someone to play a game with you. Begin making up rules. Capture their attention for as long as possible. When they lose interest, you lose.
  2. Death note: The person whose name is remembered the longest after the die wins.
  3. Caesar: Make an enemy. MOD1: As slowly as possible. MOD2: As quickly possible.
  4. Silent mutation: Go as long as possible without saying anything. If you someone verbally acknowledges that you are not saying anything, you win. MOD: The player to be called out the fastest wins.
  5. Decrepency: write two obituaries; one as if you were to die today, and one as if you were to die in a future where you have already become the person you want to be. Which obituary is more surprising?
  6. Zenaphobia: waste as little time as possible in your life. MOD: waste as much time as possible.
  7. Bit rot: recall an old memory. Rather than simply acknowledging that the memory exists, explore the memory in your mind. Is it as intact as you remember? Is it a memory or just the memory of a memory?

7 Micro Games – Giada

  1. Master of Adjective
    Randomly find a picture on a magazine, and attempt to as much suitable adjectives to describe the picture as possible. The person who cannot come up with an appropriate word in 3 seconds loses. (2+ players)
  2. Creative Language
    Imitate an animal’s sound, and try to use this sound to develop a system and communicate with others, or try to complete a complicate task together. (2 or 3 players)
  3. Physical GPS
    Go to a new city, try to use your memory to remember the roads and buildings with making any note. And then try to draw the map of this city before leaving. The person who draw the most accurate map wins. (2+ players)
  4. Fantastic Mouth
    Try to use voice input to reply any mail and message whole the day. If the player does not mess up anything or get annoying, he/she wins. (1 player)
  5. I am not who I am
    Pretend you are one of your friends to complete a street survey or talk with a stranger. (1 player. I did this many times before. It’s really funny!)
  6. Virtual Lover
    Create a fake account on Facebook. Pretend you are in a relationship with him/her for a week. (1 player)
  7. Realistic Playwriting
    Record strangers’ dialogue in a public area and then write it down as a script. Find your friends and try to read the lines as different characters. (2+ players)

7 Micro Games – Anna

7 micro games

  1. Pick a card, any card. Give it to the first stranger you meet. If they take it, tell them what they’ve won.
  2. Draw a tarot card. Don’t flip it over. Put it back in the deck. Let this guide your day.
  3. First person to count all the hairs on their head wins.
  4. Imagine you are a magnet whose polarization changes randomly. Act accordingly.
  5. First person to spot 25 blue shirts wins.
  6. A game to play with your cat: speak your mother tongue translated entirely into meows. Know exactly what you’re saying. Translate your cat’s responses into your native language. Write the dialogue down and perform as a skit.
  7. Find someone to judge a singing contest. Sing the National Anthem backwards. Judge rules.

7 Micro Games – Sofia Syjuco

  1. Find a group of people who are moving together with a purpose. Join their group. Follow them as if you are one of their own.
  2. Start from the number 1. State a thing you have done once. Another player must one-up you and state something they have done twice. Each thing must be truthful. Continue.
  3. Pretend to sit down at a chair, squatting mid-air. Have someone copy the position and sit on your lap. Try and accumulate as many lap-sitters as possible.
  4. Link arms with another person. Walk like this. Accumulate more people to link arms with. The more the better. Do not separate, even if people need to get through.
  5. Make an assumption about your partner. If it is true, the game continues, and they take a turn. If untrue, you lose.
  6. Guess the time without looking at a clock, phone, or any time-keeping device.
  7. Choose a strange noise. Make this noise at people. You win if they copy the same noise and make it back at you, no questions asked.

7 Micro Games – Lingdong Huang

GAME 001 Imagination Game
(1+ players)
1. Everyone gets a bottle.
2. On the count of three, everyone starts drooling into their bottle.
3. After some arbitrary time, Compare the amount of saliva in each bottle.
4. The player who drooled the least is the loser. 
5. The loser drinks everyone else’s drool.

GAME 002 Name Your Champion
(2 players)
1. Find a non-empty room.
2. Each person name an item in the room.
3. Bang these items together until one of the breaks.
4. The player who named the broken item is the loser.

GAME 003
(2 players)
1. Find a trash can.
2. Each player picks up an item from the trash can.
3. Taking turns, fling the item at the other player’s face.
4. The player who runs away first is the loser.

GAME 004 Deluxe version of GAME 003
(2 players)
1. Find an unflushed toilet.
2. Each player picks up an item from the toilet.
3. Taking turns, fling the item at the other player’s face.
4. The player who runs away first is the loser.

GAME 005
(2 players)
Taking turns, make an offensive statement about the other player. If the other player cannot disprove the statement, they lose; Otherwise, the game continues until a loser emerges.

GAME 006 Voting Game
(2+ players)
1. Each player casts a vote for whom they think should be the winner. 
2. The player who received most votes wins the game.

GAME 007
(0+ players)
The fattest person wins this game.

7 Micro Games – Adela Kapuscinska

(1+) Look around you for open, circular objects. Attempt to close them with anything of your choosing.

(1) Find a pitched roof. Imagining a line going off of one of the spines of the pitch, install yourself at where it would intersect with the ground.

(1+) Pick a stranger and seek ways of physically staying above/below them. Uneven terrain is preferred. Don’t let them know either.

(1+) Pick a stranger who seems particularly inconvenienced by the sun. Do them a favor and stand in the way. Abandon quest if spotted.

(1) Stand in line to thank for a service, that had just served you.

(1) Spot a group of people moving a particular direction. Head the opposite way and based on what you see, conjecture the reason for their irrational behavior.

(2+) Draw a line between two things you think should have a relationship. and offer no explanation. You are awarded 1 point if your partner agrees – otherwise, they have to hear your explanation. If you make a convincing case, you get 2 points.





7 Micro Games – Caroline Hermans

Notice me See how long you can stare at someone you don’t know without them looking back at you. Do not avert your eyes.

Tower of Sleep – See how many things you can stack on someone without them waking up.

Anti-staring contest – Choose a friend. The object of the game is to not look at each other. If you look at each other, you both lose.

20 questions, spatial memory edition – one person thinks of a landmark on campus. They can only describe the landmark using memories they have of that location (i.e. I had a math class there, I study there, I had a music lesson there…)

Clipper – If someone clips a hair clip to your body, you have to clip it to someone else’s body within an hour or you lose.

Capitalism – Whoever dies with the most toys wins.

Sonic Attention – Look towards the loudest sound you can hear. As your surroundings change, continue to shift your gaze in the loudest direction.